Thursday, November 17, 2016

GIS Extra Credit: Geography Bee

Thursday, November 17th, 2016


The Geography Bee was a trivia challenge between 10 groups of pairs that lasted about an hour and a half. Question were based off of different Geographical studies with Multiple Choice and Fill in the blank. Each multiple choice question had 5 answers, A through E. There were a total of 3 rounds, and after the first round groups were eliminated. This event was ran Ari Anand, Ryan Weichelt, and Ezra Zeitler. 

Summary of Questions:

The first round's questions dealt with statistics. For example what are the top 5 largest lakes in the world. I answered 2 out of 5 of these questions with lake superior and lake Michigan. The remaining 3 were Lake Victoria, Lake Huron, and the largest of all, the Caspian sea. Another question was what are the top 5 largest. My partner and I again only guessed 2 out of 5 with the largest Tokyo and Shanghai. The other three were Delhi, Seoul, and Jakarta.  

The second round also dealt with statistical questions. The first question asked what the top 5 most popular parks are. We got Yosemite, Yellowstone, and the Grand Canyon right. The other two were the Rocky Mountain national park, and the largest of all, the Great Smoky Mountain national park. The next question was what is the coldest temperature ever recorded. The answer was -162 degrees Celcius or 128.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and was recorded on July 20th, 1983 at Vostok Station Antarctica.

The final round consisted of two matching questions, and one statistical question. The first matching question asked to match up 5 physical features with 5 states. My partner and I got all 5 of the following correct answers right: Crater Lake is in Oregon, Mammoth Cave is in Kentucky, Carlsbad Cavern is in New Mexico, Shenandoah Valley is in Virginia, and Tortugas bay is on the coast of Florida. The second matching asked to match up monuments with their states. The only one we got right was Fort Sumter with South Carolina. The other four were Homestead to Nebraska, Dinosaur park to Colorado, Pipestone to Minnesota, and lastly Murr woods to California. The very last question asked what are the 5 oldest national parks. I guess Crater Lake, Yellowstone, and Yosemite correctly. The other two parks were Sequoia and Mt. Rainier.


By the end of it all there was one winner who received the Goat Trophy. All participants received prizes. Although I did not win, I learned new facts that I would not be aware of if I hadn't gone. It was a great time, and I will definitely be in attendance next year. 

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